Registration Information

Registration Information

In accordance with Part C to Section 1 of the ASBH Rules for Control of Sources of Ionizing Radiation, each person (registrant) having physical possession or control of a radiation machine capable of producing radiation in the State of Arkansas must apply for registration of such machine with the Department within 30 days of the date of acquisition. Applicants for the following uses, though, must apply for and receive authorization from the Department prior to operation of the machines: healing arts screening, therapeutic radiation machine use (those less than 500 kV, electronic brachytherapy, and other uses of electronically-produced radiation to deliver a therapeutic radiation dosage), and use of radiation therapy simulation systems (RH-21.b.). The Department is to be notified of the actions below by submitting the Radiation Machine Facility Registration form (RC FORM 200) or the Radiation Machine Facility Registration Change Request (RC FORM 201), as applicable.

Initial Registration

Radiation machines are registered by completing the registration form below and submitting it, along with the appropriate fee, to the X-Ray Program at the address listed on the form. A Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) must be designated on each application form. This individual is the person responsible for radiation safety at the facility. The qualifications of the RSO must be submitted for Department approval with the application. Each application must be signed by the applicant or registrant or other individual duly authorized to act for and on his behalf. Some types of radiation machine use will require that additional information be submitted as determined by the Department.

A registration form must be completed for each separate installation, i.e., a facility with multiple physical locations must register each location individually. Each of these physical locations would be given a separate registration number and fee.

Report of Changes

Changes that would render the information contained in the application for registration no longer accurate must be reported in writing to the Department within 10 days of the change. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following changes: name or mailing address of the registrant; location of the installation or an additional use location; designation of the Radiation Safety Officer; the receipt, sale, or disposal of any radiation machine; and placement or removal of a radiation machine into or out of storage. If the change involves a machine use listed in RH-21.b., then the change must be reported in writing to the Department prior to the change being made.  

Renewal of Registration

Department during December of each year for the following year as long as the activity requiring such registration continues and at such other times as the Department deems necessary.

Report of Discontinuance

Every registrant who permanently discontinues the use of all his radiation machines at an installation shall notify the Department in writing within 10 days of such action. The notice must be signed by the registrant or other individual duly authorized to act for and on his behalf.

Report of Termination

Every registrant who permanently disposes or transfers all his radiation machines at an installation shall, within 10 days of such action, notify the Department in writing, signed by the registrant or other individual duly authorized to act for and on his behalf. The registrant must submit to the Department a record of the disposal of the radiation machines, if applicable, and if transferred, to whom they were transferred.


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