Continuing Education

Continuing Education Information

All licensees are required to obtain six hours of continuing education which must be acquired within the year preceding the date of renewal.

Three of the six hours must be in the Radiologic Sciences, in the core areas of all licenses such as radiation protection, equipment operation and maintenance, image production and evaluation, patient care and management, and radiopharmaceuticals. The other three hours may be in other areas related to health care.

Continuing education may be provided by the Licensed Practitioner or a hospital in-service education department. The sponsor of the continuing education must provide specific information on the continuing education forms provided by the Department. Request for approval must be made to the Medical Ionizing Radiation Licensure Committee (MIRLC), a ten-member advisory committee to the Arkansas State Board of Health, at least thirty days prior to the educational activity.

The participant must keep a record of his/her continuing education and submit the information on the annual renewal form for license renewal. The MIRLC may perform random checks to evaluate attendance at the continuing education.

Continuing education approved by other organizations such as the American Society of Radiologic Technologists, Society of Nuclear Medicine, American Medical Association, American Podiatric Medicine Association, or the American Chiropractic Association may be accepted. The MIRLC reserves the right to deny continuing education approved by other organizations. The name and number for the continuing education assigned by other approval processes must be provided on the form. The MIRLC will accept confirmation forms provided by other approved processes.

View Continuing Education Opportunities, Statewide Seminar Opportunities, and Course Opportunities resources.

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