The State Heart Attack Advisory Council was formed to reduce the burden of heart attack in Arkansans. This voluntary committee consists of healthcare providers and public health professionals working together to coordinate statewide to fight this condition. The by-laws for the SHAAC are found here.
SHAAC Council & Regional Representatives
Resources & Tools
Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Class Flyer
- Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Facilities in Arkansas
- Drive Time Map: PCI and NPCI Hospitals
Best Practices & Operations
- AR STEMI Systems of Care Manual
- Statewide STEMI Guidelines for Non-PCI Hospitals
- NSTEMI Resolution (May 2021): Resolution on Data Collection
- EMS Recommendations (pending)
- NPCI Recommendations
- PCI Recommendations (pending)
Point of Entry Algorithms
- EMS Point of Entry Algorithm
- NPCI Point of Entry Algorithm
- PCI Point of Entry Algorithm
- ECG Acquisition