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Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy

Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy

322 South Main Street
Suite 600
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501.682.0190
Fax: 501.682.0195
Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy

Our Purpose

To promote, preserve, and protect the public health, safety, and welfare by and through the effective regulation of the many aspects of the drug delivery system.

Our Mission

The agency licenses, permits, and oversees pharmacists and pharmacies, as well as the distribution system where there is the sale, delivery, or distribution of prescription drugs, medical gases, durable medical equipment, and legend devices. The agency also acts as an expert in the dissemination of information regarding the laws and rules that govern the practice of pharmacy and its related fields.

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Board Meetings

Meetings are held at:
322 South Main St. – Suite 600
6th Floor ASBP Conference Room
Little Rock, AR 72201​​​​

Meeting Minutes

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