Emergency Medical Services for Children


Established by Congress in 1984, the Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Program is the only federal program that focuses specifically on addressing the unique medical needs of children by improving the pediatric components of the emergency medical services (EMS) system across the care continuum. In 1987, EMSC awarded eight EMSC state grants to Arkansas, Washington D.C., Florida, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Washington, and Wisconsin.

The EMS for Children program helps to reduce child and youth mortality and morbidity sustained as a result of severe illness or trauma.

The EMSC Program Manager coordinates and manages all aspects of the EMSC State Partnership program to ensure that the emergency care needs of children are well integrated throughout the entire continuum of care from illness and injury prevention to bystander care, dispatch, prehospital EMS, definitive hospital care, rehabilitation, and return to community.

The EMSC Program develops and maintains partnerships and collaboratives to improve pediatric emergency education, research, and patient care.

EMSC works as a liaison to other departments/programs within the state of Arkansas assuring the integration of pediatric priorities into disaster planning, EMS education, injury prevention, and trauma system development.

Resources and Links

Important Phone Numbers

  • Safe Haven Baby Box hotline (1-888-742-2133)
  • Arkansas Child Abuse Hotline (1-800-482-5964)
  • Human Trafficking Hotline (1-888-373-7888) or
    Text “BEFREE” or “HELP” to 233733

Contact Information

Kellie Tolliver
Phone: 501-553-4368

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