
Board Members

17-96-201. Creation — Members.

The Governor shall appoint an examining board to consist of five (5) members appointed on September 1, for terms of three (3) years. All members shall be residents of the state for a period of one (1) or more years.

Three (3) members shall be podiatrists and shall have been actually engaged in the practice of podiatric medicine immediately preceding their appointment. They shall be appointed upon recommendation of the Arkansas Podiatric Medical Association.

Two (2) members of the board shall not be actively engaged in or retired from the profession of podiatric medicine. One (1) member shall represent consumers, and one (1) member shall be sixty (60) years of age or older and shall represent the elderly. Both shall be appointed from the state at large subject to confirmation by the Senate. The two (2) positions may not be held by the same person. Both shall be full voting members but shall not participate in the grading of examinations.

All vacancies on the board shall be filled by the Governor to serve for the unexpired term of the member whose place is rendered vacant.

Officers of the Arkansas Board of Podiatric Medicine and their Duties

  1. The officers of the Arkansas Board of Podiatric Medicine shall consist of a President and a Secretary-Treasurer. They shall be elected annually by the members of the Board and shall serve a term of one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified.
  2. President. The president shall be the chief executive officer of the Board and shall preside at all of its meetings. The president shall approve and keep in custody the bond of the secretary, sign all licenses, and perform such other duties as may pertain to the office. The president shall approve all requests for the expenditure of funds of the Board, and shall have power to vote on all questions coming before the Board.
  3. Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be in charge of the books, records, property, and money of the Arkansas Board of Podiatric Medicine. The Secretary-Treasurer shall conduct the Board’s correspondence, keep a complete and accurate record of the business transactions at all meetings and of all fees received and expenses paid under these rules and regulations and shall report the same to the Arkansas Board of Podiatric Medicine annually. The Secretary-Treasurer shall also have the following duties and responsibilities:
    • The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a complete record listing the names and addresses of all persons to whom licenses have been granted with the number, and the date of issuance of each license.
    • The Secretary-Treasurer shall collect all fees and renewals, and deposit to the account of the Arkansas Board of Podiatric Medicine all money received not later than the first day of the calendar month following receipt of the money,
    • The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a full and complete record of all forfeited, revoked and expired licenses, and shall countersign all newly issued licenses.
    •  The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive and submit to the Board for approval all applications for licensure and shall further be required to keep a full and complete record thereof.
    •  The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the members of the Board of the dates and places of all regular and special meetings of said Arkansas Board of Podiatric Medicine, and shall notify applicants for licensure of the date and place of examination.
    • Before taking possession of office, the Secretary-Treasurer shall file with the president of Arkansas Board of Podiatric Medicine such surety bond as may be required by the Board, the expense of which shall be paid by the Board.  At the expiration of the term of office shall deliver to the successor all books, records, property, and money of the Board.
    • The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive and submit to the Board for approval all applications for license and any complaints regarding podiatric physicians that appear to be violations of these Rules and Regulations.  Complaints that are obviously not in violation of the rules and regulations need not be submitted to the Board.
    • The Secretary-Treasurer shall not issue any duplicate license number or reassign any number that may become vacant.
  4. Other members of the Board will countersign, license, preside over meetings when necessary, and aid in conducting examinations of applicants.

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