Nuclear Planning and Response

Planning and Response

The Arkansas Department of Health’s Nuclear Planning and Response program is responsible for emergency planning and response to emergencies involving Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO) near Russellville, in Pope County.

This program works with four counties within 10 miles of ANO who could be subject to evacuation or other protective measures in the event of an emergency. These potentially affected counties are Pope, Logan, Johnson, and Yell. The program also works with Conway County, which would host evacuees from the Russellville area.

In addition to responding in the event of an emergency, other Nuclear Planning and Response functions include:

  • Development of Emergency Response Plans,
  • Maintenance and Operation of the Emergency Warning System,
  • Maintenance and Operation of the communication system used to notify state agencies and local governments of emergencies,
  • Continuous Environmental Monitoring and Sampling around ANO,
  • Education of the Public about Emergency Plans and the effects of radiation,
  • Training of Emergency Workers who would respond to an emergency,
  • Maintenance of equipment and supplies necessary to support emergency operations for state and local agencies.


Contact Information

P.O. Box 1749
Russellville, AR  72811

ADH Nuclear Planning and Response:
Slot 58 ANOR
Phone: 479-968-7171
Fax: 479-968-7702
[email protected]

Severe Weather: Donate to the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program

The Arkansas Disaster Relief Program is available to assist those impacted by disasters across the state of Arkansas. Under the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program, the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management (ADEM) is able to provide funds for immediate needs for disaster relief to communities experiencing major impacts from a DECLARED disaster. These funds are to be utilized as additional state and federal program availability are being determined.