

Arkansas Violent Death Reporting System ARVDRS) Advisory Committee Meeting

October 23, 2024
2:00 pm
to 2:00 pm

Teleconference: Please contact Nokomis Carter, ARVDRS Program Manager, for login information to the meeting at [email protected] or call 501-614-5234.

The Arkansas Violent Death Reporting System (ARVDRS) Advisory Committee is a committee that provides updates to the members on matters related to the progress, maintenance, and operation of the ARVDRS program. The ARVDRS program collects data on all homicides, suicides, legal interventions, drug overdoses, and undetermined deaths.

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Severe Weather: Donate to the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program

The Arkansas Disaster Relief Program is available to assist those impacted by disasters across the state of Arkansas. Under the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program, the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management (ADEM) is able to provide funds for immediate needs for disaster relief to communities experiencing major impacts from a DECLARED disaster. These funds are to be utilized as additional state and federal program availability are being determined.