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Healthy Communities

Arkansas Kidney Disease Commission

The Arkansas Kidney Disease Commission (AKDC) was established by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas through Act 450 of 1971 to establish a program for the care and treatment of persons suffering from chronic renal disease. The legislation charged the AKDC to “provide financial assistance for persons suffering from the chronic renal disease who require life-saving care and treatment to the extent as determined by the Commission.

Financial Assistance for Prescription Medicine

If you suffer from chronic renal disease and need financial assistance for prescription medicines, we offer assistance. The client is required to utilize any available drug benefit before requesting the AKDC to provide prescription coverage as the program is identified as a payer of last resort.

The AKDC may pay up to three (3) of ESRD- related prescriptions per month. Medication paid for by the program must be consistent with the approved AKDC formulary. A client co-pay of $2.00 is required for each allowable medication. Program co-payment for immuno-suppressant drugs shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the Medicare allowable rate. Prior approval is required for Fosrenol, Renvela, and Sensipar.

Pharmacists Forms
Pharmacist Letter
AKDC Prescription Formulary
AKDC Prescription Drug Claim Form


Financial Assistance for Dental Services

The AKDC is a payer of last resort and can assist with co-payment. Please be aware that because of funding, the AKDC cannot provide payment for such dental services as exams, x-rays, dentures, partials, root canals, crowns, etc.

The AKDC may assist with some dental costs when a dental problem jeopardizes the health and treatment program outlined by the renal specialist. This assistance will be for those clients awaiting kidney transplantation. Payments for services rendered will require prior approval of such treatments and follow the established dental fee schedule.

Dentists Requirements
AKDC Dental Fee Schedule


Arkansas Dialysis Centers

Click here to find a list of dialysis units near you.


Kidney Facts and Information

Learn about kidney disease symptoms and risk factors

Anemia | Spanish
Depression | Spanish
The Dialysis Machine | Spanish
Exercise for Life | Spanish
Fluid and Dialysis | Spanish
Hemodialysis Adequacy | Spanish
How to Talk to Your Healthcare Team | Spanish
Rehabilitation | Spanish
Restless Legs Syndrome | Spanish
Skin and Hair Problems on Dialysis | Spanish
Traveling on Dialysis | Spanish
Vascular Access | Spanish


Additional Information and Resources

Board Members


Office Address Phone Fax
Arkansas Kidney Disease Commission Arkansas Department of Health
Slot #35
4815 W. Markham St.
Little Rock, AR 72205

Public Health Accrediation Board
Arkansas Department of Health
© 2017 Arkansas Department of Health. All Rights Reserved.
4815 W. Markham, Little Rock, AR 72205-3867