
Grounds for Revocation or Suspension of License

Arkansas Law Governing Podiatric Medicine

  1. The Board may revoke or refuse to renew the license of a podiatric physician, after notice and hearing for any one or more of the following causes:
    • A plea of guilty or nolo contendre or conviction of any crime involving moral turpitude or a felony, the judgment of any such conviction unless pending upon appeal shall be conclusive evidence of unprofessional conduct;
    • resorting to fraud, misrepresentation or deception in applying for or securing a license to practice Podiatric Medicine, or in taking the examination for the license or in seeking the renewal of the license;.
    • To continue to practice with knowledge that the podiatric physician is afflicted with an infectious disease.
    • Failure to display in the primary office the current certificates of registration;
    • Failure to comply with a reasonable standard of proficiency and maintain required continuing education.
    • Unprofessional and dishonest conduct., including but not limited to:
    • The willful betrayal of a professional secret.
    • Aiding and abetting an unlicensed person to practice Podiatric Medicine.
    • Making a false statement in any affidavit required of the applicant for application, examination, or registration under this Act.
      (iv) Violation of Arkansas Code Annotated Section 17-96-101 et. seq.
    • Violation of any rules of the Arkansas Board of Podiatric Medicine.
    • as habitual, intemperate, or excessive use of narcotics or any other habit-forming drugs.
    • incompetent to practice medicine to such an extent as to endanger the public.
    • insanity or mental disease if evidenced by adjudication or by a voluntary commitment to an institution for treatment of a mental disease or as determined by an examination conducted by three impartial psychiatrists.
    • Soliciting for patronage, advertising for patronage using a false, fraudulent, deceptive or misleading manner the quality of medical services or illegal procedures and practices.
    • Submitting false, deceptive or unfounded claims, reports or opinions to any patient, insurance company or indemnity association company, individual or government authority for the purpose of obtaining a monetary payment.
    • Gross, willful and continued overcharging for professional services.
    • Discharge of a patient without due notice.
    • Allowing an unqualified or unlicensed person to provide care for your patients without direct supervision.
    • Failure to report the filing of a malpractice lawsuit within 30 days to the Arkansas Board of Podiatric Medicine by registered mail. DownloadA Physician’s Malpractice Reporting Form Here
    • Failure to report disciplinary action, suspension or loss of privileges by a hospital,
      outpatient treatment or surgical facility within 30 days to the Arkansas Board of Podiatric Medicine by registered mail. Download the Complaint form here.
  2. The Board after hearing may, by majority vote, revoke any license issued by it, licensure to any podiatric physician who has been convicted of violation of any of the provisions of the Article. The Board may also, after hearing and by majority vote, revoke the license of any person whose license was granted upon mistake of material fact. The Board may subsequently, but not earlier than one year thereafter, by majority vote, reissue a license to a podiatric physician whose license was revoked, except as herein provided.
  3. The State Board of Podiatric Medicine shall not suspend or revoke or refuse to issue or to renew, any license for any of the causes listed in Article IV unless the person accused has been given at least twenty days notice in writing of the charge and a public hearing by the Board. Upon the hearing of any such proceeding, the Arkansas Board of Podiatric Medicine may administer oaths and may use its subpoena power to procure the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers, on behalf of the person charged or on behalf of the Board Proceedings shall be in accordance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act. Ark. Code Ann.§ 25-201 et.seq.

Severe Weather: Donate to the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program

The Arkansas Disaster Relief Program is available to assist those impacted by disasters across the state of Arkansas. Under the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program, the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management (ADEM) is able to provide funds for immediate needs for disaster relief to communities experiencing major impacts from a DECLARED disaster. These funds are to be utilized as additional state and federal program availability are being determined.