Water Microbiology Laboratory

Water lab

The Water Microbiology Laboratory at the Glen F. Baker Public Health Laboratory is certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and adheres to the bacterial quality standards set forth in the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).  These standards mandate testing for total coliform bacteria and E. coli. While most of the testing performed in the laboratory is for regulated Public Water Systems, the laboratory also offers individual testing for private drinking water samples. In addition, the laboratory offers EPA Lab Certification for Public Water Utility Laboratories in Arkansas to conduct their own drinking water analyses. Details about the EPA Lab Certification process are provided below.

Private/Well Water Testing

Ensuring the safety of well water is the responsibility of each individual. Whether you are testing water for personal use or as a requirement for a mortgage loan, start by obtaining a Water Collection Kit from your local health unit.

Please note: private drinking water samples can only be tested for total coliform bacteria and E. coli and must be received within 30 hours of collection. The lab does not evaluate water from ponds, creeks, or other bodies of water. Samples will also not be tested for minerals, parasites, or chemicals. Please consult a private environmental water testing laboratory if you would like these tests done.

Disclaimer: The Arkansas Public Health Laboratory does not endorse or recommend any specific environmental laboratories for water testing services. While we provide a list of private labs as a resource, it is the responsibility of individuals to contact these labs directly for more information regarding their water testing services.

Environmental Testing Laboratories

EPA Drinking Water Certification

At present, Public Water Utility laboratories can only be certified for microbiology testing. To be considered for certification, laboratories must submit a written request. This request can be emailed to the Lab Certification Officers (LCO) at [email protected].

Additional Certification Requirements:

  • Laboratories will be required to obtain a copy of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, 5th Edition (The Manual) before they will be considered for certification.
  • Laboratories are required to submit a Standard Operating Procedures Manual (SOP) and a Quality Assurance (QA) Plan before they will be considered for certification.
  • Laboratories are also required to submit six months’ worth of analytical data, including all sampling information, test results, and any associated QC pertinent to these data before being considered for certification.

The LCO will reply to the applying laboratory with a letter stating that the laboratory is ready to analyze proficiency test (PT) samples. An initial on-site audit will also be scheduled within 45 days of successfully passing proficiency testing of samples.

Once the laboratory has fulfilled the requirements for certification and the on-site audit is completed, the LCO will issue a certificate. Laboratory certification continuation and renewal will be effective for a three-year period providing the laboratory maintains all certification requirements.

Water Testing FAQs

Where is the laboratory located?

The Glen F. Baker Public Health Laboratory is located at 201 S. Monroe St., Little Rock, AR  72205. Look for a glass building adjacent to Vital Records and across from War Memorial Stadium.

How can I test my drinking water?

You can obtain a Water Sample Collection Kit from your local health unit. Please keep in mind that samples must be from a drinking water source (no ponds, creeks, toilets, bathtubs, etc.) and must be analyzed within 30 hours of collection. Click here for additional Private Drinking Water Sample Collection and Submission Instruction.

I have collected my drinking water sample, now what do I do?

Within the 30-hour collection time frame, you can return the water sample back to the Local Health Unit and they will deliver to us, ship via mail courier service (FedEx, USPS, etc.), or hand deliver to the Public Health Laboratory. Please enclose a $17 check or money order for each sample as well as the required sample collection form. Click here for additional Private Drinking Water Sample Collection and Submission Instruction.

What do I do if my water sample report comes back as “Present”?

If your water testing report comes back as “Present”, please consult with your public water utility or Environmental Health Specialist at your local health unit.

My water is discolored with pink, brown, or black residue from my faucets, bathtub, and toilet. Can you test to see what it is?

The Water Microbiology Lab will only test for Total Coliform bacteria and E. coli. Please reach out to a private environmental laboratory for further testing.

Additional Water Testing Resources

Contact Us

ADH Water Microbiology Laboratory
E-mail: [email protected]

Severe Weather: Donate to the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program

The Arkansas Disaster Relief Program is available to assist those impacted by disasters across the state of Arkansas. Under the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program, the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management (ADEM) is able to provide funds for immediate needs for disaster relief to communities experiencing major impacts from a DECLARED disaster. These funds are to be utilized as additional state and federal program availability are being determined.