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Types of Projects Reviewed

Projects Reviewed by Engineering

  • Submit Plans Online
  • Subdivisions
    • Public Water & Public Sewer
    • Public Water & Individual Sewage Disposal System
      Reviewed in cooperation with Environmental Health Protection colleagues
    • Private Water & Individual Sewage Disposal System
      Reviewed by Environmental Health Protection colleagues
  • Water and Wastewater Facilities
    • New public water systems and sewer systems
    • New water system sources
    • Expansion or extension of existing facilities
    • Spring sources for bottled water
  • Swimming, Spray, and Wading Pools
    • Public
    • Semi-public
      Reviewed by Environmental Health Protection colleagues
  • Cemeteries
    • Family
    • Church
    • Perpetual care operations
  • Mobile Home Parks
    • New mobile home parks
    • Expansion or extension of existing mobile home parks

Contact Information

Plan Review
4815 West Markham, Slot 37
Little Rock, AR 72205-3867
Phone: 501 661-2623 
Fax: 501 661-2032

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