Coordinated School Health

**The Coordinated School Health program received funding from the CDC titled (CDC)RFA-DP-23-0002 School-Based Interventions to Promote Equity and Improve Health, Academic Achievement, and Well-Being of Students. The Division of Elementary and Secondary Education, in partnership with the Arkansas Department of Health, are committed to bringing you school health content experts to implement health strategies that benefit students, school staff, and the community. We will continue to host quarterly CSH meetings with topics surrounding the WSCC Model and share relevant resources and funding opportunities as they arise.

Arkansas has emerged as a leader in Coordinated School Health programs. Across the state, Coordinated School Health is growing, and districts are building school-level health teams. With the help of ACT 1220 of 2003, district and school wellness committees are required to assess themselves using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s School Health Index, completing modules 1-4, 10, and 11, and then use the results to create an improvement plan. The School Health Index results are used to develop their School Health and Wellness Improvement Plan, which is required for accreditation.

Through grant funding from the CDC, free quarterly professional development opportunities are provided for all school personnel based around the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC-pronounced “whisk”) Model. The next Coordinated School Health meeting will be held virtually on May 14, 2025. Public school personnel are welcome to register here.

Coordinated School Health Schools

The 132 districts that participate in Coordinated School Health are innovators in their districts and apply for grants and develop plans to improve school health using the scorecard from their School Health Index. Typically, these schools have a high-functioning wellness committee and a tenacious wellness committee chairperson who attends quarterly CSH meetings regularly. If you work for a district and are ready and willing to implement healthy changes and would like to join us, please email the CSH coordinators to be added to the CSH distribution list. You will receive grant notifications, meeting alerts, webinar alerts, quarterly newsletters, and access to all our partners’ updates and alerts as well.

Arkansas Department of Health, CSH Advisor, Ariel Rogers, (501) 280-4148.

Division of Education and Secondary Education, CSH Advisor, Lisa Mundy, (501) 683-3604.

Visit the Arkansas Coordinated School Health webpage to view previous CSH meeting recordings and resources.

Review data regarding the youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) for Arkansas students , and School Health Profiles for Arkansas students.

Funding Opportunities

Joint Use Agreements (JUA)

The Arkansas Joint Use Agreement (JUA) Grant is a competitive application process made possible and supported by Arkansas’ governor and the Arkansas Tobacco Excise Tax. These funds help schools adopt and implement joint use policy which allows schools to form community partnerships to maximize resources while increasing opportunities for physical activity. Funds are available each fiscal year based on Tobacco Excise Tax appropriations or until funds are expended. View more JUA information.

School-Based Health Centers (SBHC)

School-Based Health Centers are a great way to coordinate campus services to cover the medical and mental health services students need. Each center must provide basic physical and mental health services no matter their ability to pay. Some centers also include dental services on campus or provide campus-linked services to a provider not located on school grounds. This program functions as a collaboration between the Arkansas Department of Health and the Arkansas Department of Education. The School-Based Health Center funding is a once-a-year competitive grant process where districts can apply for up to $500,000 for a 3-year grant cycle. Former grant cycles lasted 5 years. View more information on School-Based Health Centers.

Student Wellness Advocacy Group (SWAG)

SWAGs are aimed at helping students in 7 – 12th grades learn to advocate for themselves and for healthier campuses. Each year the Arkansas Department of Health funds up to 12 campuses to host SWAGs, providing them with funding, presentations on varying health and advocacy topics, and guidance on advocacy projects in their school, community, or state. View more information about SWAGs.

Project Prevent Youth Coalition (PPYC)

Project Prevent is the statewide youth tobacco prevention coalition in Arkansas. View more information on PPYC.

Assessment Tools, Data, Resources

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