Arkansas Hometown Health Improvement

Helping Communities Plan for a Healthy Tomorrow

Hometown Health Improvement (HHI) is a community-driven process that empowers local communities to take ownership of health problems and work to identify and implement solutions that improve the health of the citizens.  It is based around the local public health system that includes all public, private, and voluntary entities that contribute to the delivery of essential public health services within a county.

Hometown Health Improvement brings together a wide range of people and organizations including consumers, business leaders, health care providers, elected officials, religious leaders, and educators to identify community health problems and develop and implement ways to solve them.  The health of the community is a shared responsibility of many entities. 

Many public health issues may be addressed by a coalition, but those causing the most deaths each year should be priorities.  Seventy-five cents of every dollar spend on medical costs in this country is being used to treat chronic disease and associated risk factors.

HHI is partnering with local communities and organizations to create healthier communities by making healthy living easier and more affordable where people work, live, play, and learn.  Communities are focusing on strategies such as tobacco-free living, active living and healthy eating.  Through policy, systems and environmental change, communities are making progress.

Links to Community Health Information and Data

Contact Us

Hometown Health Improvement
4815 W. Markham, Slot 21
Little Rock, AR 72205
Phone: 501-661-2574
Fax: 501-661-2545

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