Hometown Health

Hometown Health


Health communities where people live, learn, work, play and pray.


To be the gateway to healthier lives and stronger communities by providing support and direction that empower community-driven change.

Hometown Health Improvement (HHI) is an initiative that drives communities to take ownership of Arkansans. HHI collaborates with local communities in every county to create healthier environments where people live, learn, work, play and pray. This is accomplished by providing support to communities by identifying public health priorities and strategies. Through policy, systems and environmental change, HHI has a broader reach where community-level change is more sustainable.

The Arkansas Department of Health’s Hometown Health Support Services program is comprised of:

  • Hometown Health Improvement

The Hometown Health program works directly with local communities and organizations to foster the department’s mission to assist communities in identifying health issues and implementing solutions that improve the health of local citizens. The branch aids communities in improving the health of citizens by promoting healthy behaviors and providing assistance with the development of health services and systems of care.

Strategic priorities of the Hometown Health program include:

  • Promote active living and healthy eating through policy and environmental supports
  • Promote tobacco prevention and cessation through policy and environmental supports
  • Promote implementation of state trauma system and injury prevention activities
  • Administer state grant programs to assist rural and underserved communities to developing and maintain viable healthcare services.
  • Support Critical Access Hospitals in quality and financial improvement efforts.

For more information, contact: Julie Harlan, MPH at (501) 661-2585.


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