We can help you find helpful resources for your pregnancy and parenting.
- Call 855-275-6667 (ARK MOMS)
- Or find the information you need by viewing the Directory or viewing the Directory in Spanish.
If you need maternity services or assistance with food for you and your baby and children, ADH local health units can assist you in applying for maternity, WIC, and other services.
There is a health unit in each county. A list of all the health units can be found here. Find the one closest to you and make an appointment to get started with your pregnancy care.
Other helpful resources for a healthy pregnancy and parenting tools:
- Arkansas Department of Human Services
- Arkansas Department of Human Services page to apply for health care benefits, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program (SNAP), and Transitional Employment Assistance (TEA)
- Arkansas Safe Haven
- ADH Maternity Program
- ADH Maternal and Child Health
- COVID-19 & Pregnancy
- Home Visiting Resources
- Be Well Baby Tobacco Cessation
- WIC (Supplemental foods for Women, Infants, and Children)
- Workforce Services
- Positive Parenting Program