What is ERAVE?

ERAVE will facilitate electronic communication from the time of the event (birth, death, fetal death) through the registration of the record. A variety of stakeholder groups, hospitals, birthing facilities, hospice facilities, funeral homes, coroners, medical examiners, medical certifiers, local health units, and Department of Health central office staff, will use ERAVE to complete their work electronically. Access to ERAVE will be tightly controlled and based on the role and authority of each individual to ensure that users have access to only the information necessary to complete their work.  

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Severe Weather: Donate to the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program

The Arkansas Disaster Relief Program is available to assist those impacted by disasters across the state of Arkansas. Under the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program, the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management (ADEM) is able to provide funds for immediate needs for disaster relief to communities experiencing major impacts from a DECLARED disaster. These funds are to be utilized as additional state and federal program availability are being determined.