Chronic Disease Coordinating Council

The Chronic Disease Coordinating Council is a partnership of organization consisting of program managers of the Arkansas Department of Health chronic disease programs, chairs of the various chronic disease coalitions, and a number of other organizational representatives, whose mission is to increase the quality and years of healthy life for all Arkansans by reducing the burden of chronic disease through leadership and collaborative action impacting policy, system and environment changes.

The Council has released Healthy People 2020: Arkansas’s Chronic Disease Framework for Action” designed to guide the efforts of participating agencies, organizations, and coalitions, and to help build relationships that can reduce the impact and costs of chronic disease in Arkansans.  It is the hope of the Arkansas Chronic Disease Coordinating Council that this Framework for Action will continue to foster even greater partnerships, alliances, and coordinated activities within the state.

“Healthy People 2020: Arkansas’s Chronic Disease Framework for Action” outlines the Council’s long-term plans to encourage change in health habits, and to set up ways to monitor the state’s progress in meeting the objectives. The Million Hearts Action Plan outlines the Council’s immediate priority strategies and action steps.

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