License Information
AR Approved Continuing Education
Upcoming CE courses:
The CE rosters are in order by the sponsor name and each sponsor begins on a new page. You can scroll through the document or you can do a search/find (Ctrl + f) to look for something specific. Also provided are rosters by the course start date for easier access to what is coming up each month.
Continuing Education – Licensure Requirements
PLEASE NOTE: It is the responsibility of the chiropractor to obtain the certificate of attendance and mail it to the Board office with the license renewal during the license renewal period.
In compliance with provisions of the Arkansas Chiropractic Practices Act, each licensed Doctor of Chiropractic, practicing in this State, must annually submit evidence to the Arkansas State Board of Chiropractic Examiners of having satisfactorily completed not less than twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education, acquired during the preceding twelve (12) months, conducted by an approved chiropractic college, institution or at the approved educational course, program or seminar. A maximum of twelve (12) distance-based learning credit hours may be submitted by a licensee during each licensing period. See Rules and Regulations Section E(3).
- Courses, programs, or seminars must be pre-approved by the Arkansas State Board of Chiropractic Examiners.
- Speakers or lecturers must be recognized as having expertise in the field of study.
- The course, program, or seminar must be conducted by a recognized and reputable school, university, hospital, organization, or inter-disciplinary organization.
- Content of the course, program, or seminar must be scientific, recognized by reputable authorities as having validity, and related to the practice of chiropractic.
- Courses, programs, or seminars taught in conjunction with, or in association with, and not sponsored and managed by an approved college or association, with their regular faculty and post-graduate instructors, will not be approved.
- Courses, programs, or seminars conducted by colleges holding status with the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE), or those courses, programs, or seminars sponsored by state or national associations will generally be approved provided the course content and instructional staff complies with CCE and the Board’s criteria.
- Certification of twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education must accompany the Renewal License Application.
Sponsor Information
Application for Continuing Education Credit Approval.
The following steps must be followed when submitting a request for continuing education credit approval to the Arkansas State Board of Chiropractic Examiners:
- Continuing Education Seminar Application form
- Sponsor Contact Information form
- The course work must be at the physician level and the content of the program must be scientific and related to the practice of chiropractic. The AR Chiropractic scope of practice is inclusive in the Rules, Regulations, and Statutes.
- A five dollar ($5) processing fee per every credit hour of instruction for each seminar per subject material, per calendar year. The exact amount must be included; credit and refunds cannot be given.
- Applications must be submitted a minimum of 60 days before the seminar date. Any submissions after that deadline will need approval from the ASBCE office.
- Incomplete applications will be returned with an incomplete notice. If the application can be completed and mailed back to the office before the seminar date, it will be accepted and processed. If it arrives the day of, or after, the seminar date, it will not be processed and will be returned to the sponsor.
Mail the completed form, accompanying information, and processing fee(s) to:
Arkansas State Board of Chiropractic Examiners
ATTN: Continuing Education
101 East Capitol Avenue, Suite 209
Little Rock, AR 72201