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Healthy Communities

Healthcare Hospital Preparedness

About Healthcare and Hospital Preparedness

The Arkansas Department of Health’s Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) enables health care systems to save lives during emergencies that exceed day-to-day capacity of health and emergency response systems.  This program helps to prepare the health care system by incentivizing diverse and competitive health care organizations to work together.  Planning efforts focus on operationalizing the Health Care Coalitions (HCCs) for effective response by optimizing membership as well as population and geographic coverage.

HCCs serve as multiagency coordination groups that support and integrate with ESF-8 activities in the context of incident command system (ICS) responsibilities. HCCs coordinate activities among health care organizations and other stakeholders in their communities; these entities comprise HCC members that actively contribute to HCC strategic planning, operational planning and response, information sharing, and resource coordination and management. As a result, HCCs collaborate to ensure each member has what it needs to respond to emergencies and planned events, including medical equipment and supplies, real-time information, communication systems, and educated and trained health care personnel.

The value of participation in an HCC is not limited to emergency preparedness and response. Day-to-day benefits may include:

Regional Healthcare Preparedness Contact

Public Health Accrediation Board
Arkansas Department of Health
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4815 W. Markham, Little Rock, AR 72205-3867