OPMQIE – Evaluation

Training and Development Needs

One of the attributes that help our Agency achieve the goals of the Performance Management system and its constituent components is a trained/skilled workforce. The Arkansas Department of Health, on an ongoing basis, provides training and education to its employees to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Utilizing the results of the 2017 Association of State and Territorial Officers Public Health Workforce Interest and Needs Survey as well as a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis by an ADH internal workforce development workgroup, a comprehensive Workforce Development Plan has been developed.

The Plan roadmaps the agencies’ goals and objectives to maintain a skilled workforce that is prepared to deliver public health essential services and respond to public health emergencies. In addition to these goals and objectives, the Plan also identifies resources, roles, and responsibilities that are required to successfully implement it. Five goals (listed below) and eleven objectives for addressing training and development needs were identified.

Workforce Development Plan, 2020-2025

  1. Prioritize Succession Planning
  2. Invest Training for the Existing Public Health Workforce
  3. Enact Workplace Policies and Practices that Support Job Satisfaction and Improve Retention
  4. Address Areas for Improving Employee Engagement
  5. Integrate Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals with the Performance and Evaluation System


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