Performance Management System

Performance Management

Performance Management is a systematic process that helps an organization achieve its mission and strategic goals by improving effectiveness, empowering employees, and streamlining decision-making – Public Health Foundation.

The Performance Management System of the Arkansas Department of Health consists of the following interrelated components as shown in the diagram.

Performance Management System and the Linkages

The current ADH Performance Management Committee (PMC) represents areas impact the processes and outcomes of the plans mentioned on the flow chart, directly or indirectly. The current PMC members represent ADH’s Human Resources, Finance, Grants and Contracts, Customer Service, Information Technology, Program Development, Process Improvement, and Vital Records. The Office of Performance Management, Quality Improvement, and Evaluation (OPMQIE) is planning to build a Dashboard in 2023-2024, to demonstrate how various components of PMS on the flowchart are linked together. The dashboard will gradually develop and showcase data summaries related to each component.

The PMS is also an essential requirement of the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). The measures and definitions pertaining to the PMS components are listed below.

DOMAIN 9: (PHAB requirement of linkages within the Performance Management System)
9.1.1: Doc 1c-A department wide Performance Management System which includes (c) linkage between the performance management system and strategic plan
9.1.4: Doc 1c – How performance management, quality improvement, state health improvement plan (SHIP), and strategic plan are integrated.

DOMAIN 10: (PHAB requirement of strategic plan development, implementation, and sharing)
10.1.1: Doc 1- The process of developing the strategic plan which must include components required by PHAB.
10.1.1: Doc 2 – A department-wide strategic plan which must include components required by PHAB.
10.1.2: Doc 1-Monitor progress in the implementation of a department-wide strategic plan.
10.1.2: Doc 2-Communicate implementation of the strategic plan with governing entity/advisory board and staff.
10.3.2: Doc 1c-How health department ensures that the governing entity/advisory board has accurate and relevant information to inform its decision making (one of PHAB examples – sharing Strategic Planning/Implementation)

Performance Measures

Identification and use of appropriate measures are essential functions of the Performance Management System. The measures help monitor the effectiveness of programs, policies, and processes within the performance areas.

The ADH performance measures will be routinely updated by the Performance Management Committee members with new data/information, within their areas. Please refer to the performance goal areas and the active committee members listed below. The progress will be reported to the key personnel and the Public Health Accreditation Board.

Using Performance Management to Drive Decision Making Process in the Arkansas Department of Health

  1. Customer Satisfaction (Nathaniel Noble)
  2. Financial Management (Jo Thompson)
  3. Grants and Contracts (Jo Thompson)
  4. Human Capital (Tracy Bradford)
  5. Information Services and Technology (Jim Carter)
  6. Process Improvement (Austin Porter)
  7. Program Development (Austin Porter)
  8. Vital Statistics and Request for Records (Nathaniel Noble)

Find out more about the process that OPMQIE followed to select ADH’s eight performance goal areas and the measures within each area.

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