The State Board of Health is empowered to make all necessary and reasonable rules for Licensing Healthcare Providers. The Department of Health is the state agency responsible for implementing the Board’s State rules.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) is empowered to make all necessary and reasonable rules for Certifying Healthcare Providers.
This site was developed to provide easy access to rules for providers. Health Facility Services is the agency that surveys Providers to assess compliance with rules established by the State and/or the Federal Government.
- Act 311: Minimum Visitation Requirements
- Ambulatory Surgery Centers (Licensure and Certification)
- Criminal Background Checks for Healthcare Facilities (Licensure)
- Critical Access Hospitals (Licensure and Certification)
- Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTLA) (Certification)
- End-Stage Renal Disease Facilities (Certification)
- Free-Standing Birthing Centers (Licensure)
- Home Care-giver Training (Licensure)
- Home Health (Rules)
- Home Health Agencies (Licensure and Certification)
- Hospice (Licensure and Certification)
- Hospice (Rules)
- Hospitals and Related Institutions (Licensure and Certification)
- Infirmaries (Licensure)
- In-Vitro Fertilization (Licensure)
- IPPS – Exempt Psychiatric Units (Certification)
- IPPS – Exempt rehabilitation Units (Certification)
- Laboratories and Laboratory Services (Certification)
- Life Safety Code (Certification)
- Organ Procurement Organization (Certification)
- Orthotic, Prosthetic, Pedorthic Providers (Licensure)
- Outpatient Physical Therapy or Speech Pathology (Certification)
- Outpatient Psychiatric Centers (Licensure)
- Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (Certification)
- Portable X-Ray Service (Certification)
- Perfusionists (Licensure)
- Private Care Agencies (Licensure)
- Psychiatric Hospitals (Certification)
- Recuperation Centers (Certification)
- Rural Health Clinics (Certification)
- Swing Bed (Certification)
- Utilization Review (Licensure)
Rules Currently Being Amended, Repealed or Promulgated
The Board updates its rules on a continuing basis. The Board must follow the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”) to amend, repeal or adopt a rule. An essential part of the APA allows the public to comment on any rule being amended, repealed or proposed and the Board values your comments and questions.
We invite suggestions for rule improvement. Please use our email below to send suggestions, recommendations, or identify an issue in the rule.
Contact Information
Health Facility Services
5800 W. 10th St., Suite 400
Little Rock, AR 72204
Phone: 501-661-2201
Fax: 501-661-2165
[email protected]