Electronic Case Reporting (eCR)

The Arkansas Department of Health is actively accepting and onboarding facilities for electronic case reporting. Please contact the Office of Health Information Technology at [email protected] or call at 501.410.1999.

What is Electronic Case Reporting (eCR)?

Electronic case reporting (eCR) is the automated, real-time exchange of case report information between electronic health records (EHRs) and public health agencies. It moves data quickly, securely, and seamlessly from EHRs in healthcare facilities to state and local public health agencies.

eCR uses a centralized platform that allows systems to communicate with each other in real-time. eCR runs behind the scenes in the EHR to automatically capture and report required information. If the information entered in the EHR matches codes of interest to public health, the data necessary for a public health report are sent to the platform. If the data meet jurisdictional reporting requirements, the report is sent to the appropriate public health agencies for investigation and follow-up.

eCR is a joint effort of the Association of Public Health Laboratories, the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, and CDC. These organizations play key roles in leading, implementing, and operating eCR with healthcare organizations, EHR vendors, and public health agencies.

Benefits of Reporting using eCR:

eCR benefits everyone involved in case reporting. It provides timely and more complete data than manual reporting and decreases the burden on both healthcare facilities and public health staff.

For Public Health Agencies:

  • Provides timely and complete data to support outbreak management and monitor disease trends
  • Efficiently monitors the spread of reportable diseases during outbreaks and public health emergencies
  • Reduces response time with automated information
  • Improves communication and collaboration with healthcare by enabling bidirectional data exchange
  • Supports the submission of case-based data (without identifiable information) to CDC through the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System.

For Healthcare Providers:

  • Reduces burden for healthcare providers without disrupting the clinical workflow
  • Saves time by eliminating manual data entry and reporting
  • Can fulfill legal reporting requirements
  • Provides real-time reports to public health officials to guide the state, tribal, local, and territorial response to public health threats
  • Facilitates communication and collaboration between healthcare and public health
  • Streamlines reporting to multiple jurisdictions
  • Receives information from public health associated with the reportable condition
  • Can be implemented for all reportable conditions

For more information, please visit https://www.cdc.gov/ecr/.

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