The STATE OF ARKANSAS SANITARIAN REGISTRATION ACT was signed into law on March 27th, 1957. The purpose of the Act was to define Registered Sanitarians, to create the State Board of Registration for Professional Sanitarians, and to define the powers and duties of the Board. The Act was amended in 1977, and again in 1985.

The goal of the Arkansas State Board of Registered Professional Sanitarians is to protect public health and welfare by establishing and maintaining a high standard of integrity and dignity in the profession of Sanitarians and to provide the best qualified Registered Sanitarians for the citizens of the State of Arkansas.

The Arkansas State Board of Sanitarians provides leadership in carrying out the duties set forth by the Board. This is done by ensuring that all Registered Sanitarians meet minimum requirements in education and experience. This includes but is not limited to, reviewing, testing, and registering individuals who meet the requirements to practice as a Sanitarian and to review and record required continuing education units.

The Board meets on the fourth Friday in January, April, July, and October. Meeting locations vary. 

Anyone holding a current Registration as a Sanitarian from another State may apply for registration in Arkansas.

The Arkansas State Board of Registered Professional Sanitarians is proud of the quality and professionalism of Arkansas Registered Professional Sanitarians. If you are interested in becoming registered in Arkansas, please visit the Licensing section of our Web Page.

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