ASBN – Uniformed Service Veteran

Uniformed Service Veteran

For purposes of Arkansas licensure, a uniformed service veteran is an individual who is a former member of the United States uniformed services discharged under conditions other than dishonorable.

There are several situations in which a uniformed service veteran would need licensure information; each situation below identifies services available in each of these circumstances.

Situation 1:

Are you a uniformed service veteran that has been discharged under conditions other than dishonorable and do you already have a nursing license in Arkansas?

  • If you answer no- advance to Situation 2 below.
  • If you answered yes to both of the questions in Situation 1 and  you wish to renew your active Arkansas license, click here for Licensure Renewal Instructions and note the following:

Renewal Application Information

You will submit the appropriate Renewal Licensure Application. During the process of completing your application, you will answer an eligibility question that asks “Are you or your spouse currently an active or reserve uniformed service member or uniformed service veteran?”

You will select “Yes, Uniformed service veteran.”

You will need to upload supporting documents. Supporting documents include one of the following:

  • Certificate of Release; or
  • Discharge from Active Duty form (DD214)

Support Services available in Situation 1

  • Opportunity for preferential processing during the issuance of license once receipt of all required documents; and
  • Opportunity for waiver of renewal continuing education requirements.

Situation 2:

Are you a uniformed service veteran that has been honorably discharged under conditions other than dishonorable and do you already have a nursing license in another state?

  • If you answer no- advance to Situation 3 below.
  • If you answered yes to both of the questions in Situation 2:
    • If your designated primary state of residence (PSOR) is a compact state and you maintain that state as your PSOR, you do not need to endorse your license to Arkansas as long as your license is an active multistate license. Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are not included in the NLC. Map of Participating States.
    • If your designated (PSOR) is a non-compact state and you maintain that state as your PSOR, you will need to endorse your license to Arkansas.
    • If you change your designated (PSOR) to Arkansas and you wish to apply for  licensure by endorsement in Arkansas, click here for Licensure by Endorsement Instructions and note the following:

Licensure by Endorsement: Application Information

You will submit the appropriate Endorsement Application. During the process of completing your application you will answer an eligibility question that asks “Are you or your spouse currently an active or reserve uniformed service member or uniformed service veteran?”

You will select “Yes, Uniformed service veteran.”

You will need to upload supporting documents. Supporting documents include one of the following:

Certificate of Release; or

  • Discharge from Active Duty form (DD214)

Support Services available in Situation 2

  • Opportunity for preferential processing during issuance of license once receipt of all required documents; and
  • Opportunity for waiver of renewal continuing education requirements.

Situation 3:

Are you a recent nursing education program graduate that has not taken the licensure examination? And, are you a uniformed service veteran that has been under conditions other than dishonorable?

Licensure by Exam: Application Information

You will submit the appropriate Initial by Exam Licensure Application.  During the process of completing your application you will answer an eligibility question that asks “Are you or your spouse currently an active or reserve uniformed service member or uniformed service veteran?”

You will select “Yes, uniformed service veteran.”

You will need to upload supporting documents. Supporting documents include one of the following:

  • Certificate of Release; or
  • Discharge from Active Duty form (DD214)


Uniformed Service Education, Training, Experience, or Service–Issued Credential

Arkansas State Board of Nursing allows an individual who has graduated from one of the listed military programs, to submit application and sit for the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) NCLEX®. If an individual is already licensed, refer to endorsement of a license. 

  • Army Practical Nurse Program

    Address (and satellite tracks)

    JBSA Fort Sam Houston
    3490 Forage Ave, Suite 225
    San Antonio, TX 78234-7585
    Contact: Wilfredo E. Rivera, MAJ, AN, Deputy Director
    [email protected]
    Phone: 210.221.5848
    Fax: 210.295.5147
    School Phone: 210.295.4395 
  • Air Force Nursing Services Practical Nursing Program
    Scott Air Force Base

    901 South Dr
    Scott AFB, IL 62225
    Phone: (618) 256-4241

Support Services available in Situation 3

  • Opportunity for expedited temporary permit licensure, and
  • Preferential processing during issuance of a permanent license once receipt of all required documents.

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