Press Releases

Arkansas Minority Health Commission presents 7th Biennial Summit

  • Arkansas Minority Health Commission

Little Rock, Ark. – The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) Minority Health Commission is hosting its 7th Biennial Summit from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., on Friday, Apr. 22, 2022.

“Putting the ‘Me’ in Mental Health – Today, Tomorrow, and Always,” will be a live-streamed virtual event featuring a panel of community leaders and a keynote speaker.  Presenting from the Four Points Sheraton in Little Rock, speakers will discuss the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the mental health of both children and adults in communities of color.

The keynote speaker is Gina Neely. Neely is a television personality and best-selling author who has given presentations across the country showcasing her cooking skills and sharing her perspectives on life and issues facing women.

In 2020, one in five adults reported experiencing a mental health challenge. Treating mental health is not one size fits all. The ADH Minority Health Commission’s Biennial Summit will explore mental health challenges and the types of assistance and treatments available.

Attendees can register for the event by visiting

The ADH Minority Health Commission’s mission is to ensure all minority Arkansans equitable access to preventative health care and to seek ways to promote health and prevent diseases and conditions that are prevalent among minority populations. The Commission strives to be a catalyst in bridging the gap in the health status of the minority population and that of the majority population of Arkansas. For more information about the ADH Minority Health Commission, please visit


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